Learn with UP Cos

3 posts

Learn With UP CoS: Plan Ahead with Time Management

Last November 27, 2021, the UP Corps of Sponsors Diliman launched the third installment of Learn With UP CoS titled “Plan Ahead with Time Management.” Similar to the first and second installments, the recent webinar also provided information about how the audience can cope during this pandemic. The webinar especially focused on the importance of having balance and managing our time, which many of us can have difficulty dealing with because of the circumstances that we are currently in.

Learn With UP CoS: Love (Languages) in the Time of CoViD-19

Love (Languages) in the Time of CoViD-19

Last March 13, 2021, the UP Corps of Sponsors Diliman launched the second installment of  Learn With UP CoS. Much like the first installment, this webinar offered ways to help participants cope with the current reality. While the first installment was centered on coping with the new methods of learning, the second focused on interpersonal development. 

Conquering Remote Learning with the UP Corps of Sponsors

Last October 2, 2020, the UP Corps of Sponsors Diliman launched its first-ever installment of their online project, Learn With UP CoS. The project itself is a series of webinars of timely and relevant topics that aims to help their audience cope with the new reality that the world is […]